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home page Scuola Surf Tanaonda

Surf News


Expect Nothing | The Search
Expect Nothing | The Search
Articolo di : Nico P.
Giovedì - 21 Aprile 2016 22:01     Visualizzazioni: 5308

Expect Nothing | The Search Rip Curl
Expect Nothing | The Search Rip Curl

Over the years, Rip Curl’s flagship Search boat the Quest 1 had been a home away from home to the Rip Curl girls, but alas, she is no more. Earlier this year she unfortunately sunk – just a week before the girls were due to go on a Search trip...

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Director of Photography and Edit by Mick Wilcomes
Filmed by Mick Wilcomes and Bali Strickland


Artist: Hypersleep
Track: Emigre

Artist: Kit
Track: Goodbye

Artist: Martin Bojtos
Nu Brand - Don't Stop (prod by Mischief Makers) 
Source: Getty Images

Artist: Jonathan Brammer 
Track: Séance feat. Tea Leigh
Source: Getty Images
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